When Jason got home,his mother wa very excited.'We saw you on the news last night,'she said.‘With your cheque for five million 're rich and famous!'

'I'm in trouble,Mum,'said Jason.‘Please phone the ,"My son was at home on Saturday watched the football on television.”Please.’

'I can't say that,'said his isn't true.'

'Would you like ten thousand pounds?'asked Jason suddenly.

'No,'said Lily Williams.'I always tell the truth.'

‘Twenty thousand,'said Jason.

'Why do you want me to tell a lie to the police?' did you do on Saturday afternoon?'She looked at did something that it?And now you want me to tell a lie for I don't tell lies.'

‘Thirty thousand!'’said Jason.‘Please,Mum!Help me!I slept in a police cell last night,and I was in court they're going to send me to the Crown thousand pounds!Think about it.'

‘OK,son,'said Lily Williams slowly.'For thirty thousand pounds,I think I can tell a what did you do on Saturday afternoon?Tell me.’

'Nothing,'said didn't do anything.'

‘So why are they sending you to the Crown Court?'

Jason didn't answer,and his mother looked at him.‘And what about your Dad?He was at home on Saturday weren't,and he knows do you want him to say to the police?'

‘OK,OK,'said Jason.‘Dad can have thirty thousand pounds not lottery cheque is at the court,and I've only got £2 in my pocket!'

Jason did not sleep well that Wednesday morning at ten o'clock he went to the police station.

I'm here,'he said.

'You've got a visitor,'said the policeman.'It's your wants to see you.’

Jason's mouth opened.'My wife?’he said.‘But …’

The policeman opened a door and called,He's here,Mrs Williams!’

A young woman came into the room.'Hullo,Jason.'

Fiona Williams was small and had long yellow hair and a big red looked at Jason,but she talked to the policeman.

Jason is my husband,'she said.'Our son was born two years name's loved Jason,but he wasn't very nice to he hit night he broke two of my the baby was ill and cried a hit him was only two months old,and Jason hit him-a little baby!’

'That's a lie!'said didn't-’

‘Oh yes,you did!'Fiona spoke to the policeman again.‘So I left him,and took the baby with didn't look for didn't want us,and he never gave me any money for our went home to his mother and father,and he forgot about little Jack and forgot about Jason I saw him on television,with a cheque from Sunshine Lotteries for five million ,I'm his wife,Jack's his son-and we want half of his money!"

‘Well,Mr Williams,'said the policeman.'Is this woman your wife?”

‘Don't ask him,ask me!'Fiona said.‘He's my husband,and I can prove''m going to get a good lawyer,and I'm going to get that two and a half million pounds!"

‘Everybody wants my money!'said 'm going to see my lawyer!?

So on Wednesday afternoon Jason went to Sally Cash's was in a big building with 'Evans,Robinson,Dennis and Day'over the door.

‘Why isn't your name there too?'asked Jason.

‘Because I'm young and not very important,'said Sally with a smile.'I work for Mr Dennis.'

Sally's office was very were books on the table and on all the moved the books off one chair,and Jason sat down.

‘So,Jason,'Sally said,'you have a wife and son.’

'How do you know that?'said Jason.

‘Your wife's lawyer telephoned me this afternoon,'said Sally.'Your wife wants some of your lottery because she's your wife,and has a two-year-old son,she can

get it easily.'

T'm not going to give her anything,'Jason said.‘She left went away with a new lover,and she took our baby with never wrote or looked for her,but I couldn't find cried every night …'

‘Your wife tells a different left you because you hit her,and the that true?’

I don't remember,'Jason said was a long time just wants my wants my money!

But it was my lottery ticket,so it's my money!"

‘Mmm,'said Sally.'Perhaps it was Mrs Emma Carter's lottery remembered the numbers because they were important to her.’

‘Huh,'said old woman just wants my money because she saw me on thought of a good story about the numbers,and now she says that it was her the ticket have her name on it?’

' are no names on lottery tickets.'

‘So she can't prove that it was her ticket,'said Jason.‘She can't take my money away from me.'

Perhaps she can,and perhaps she can' don't she's going to need a good lawyers are isn't going to be easy for her.'

‘So that old woman wants all the wants half of Mum wants thirty thousand pounds,my Dad wants thirty thousand pounds .…'

‘You're forgetting me,'said Sally.

'I don't understand,’Jason said.

I told are I'm doing a lot of work for can't pay me now,because your cheque is at the I can wait.’

‘Oh,thanks very much,'said Jason.‘Very kind of you.'

Sally smiled.'Now,let's talk about the bag-snatching.'

I didn't do it.'

Sally looked tired'.Jason,I want to help you,but it's very Carter saw your face in the street,and then she saw you on 's going to stand up in the court and say,“That's the man!He stole my bag,my money,and my lottery ticket.””

‘But it isn't true,'said Jason.'I was at watched the football on my Mum!”

“How much money are you giving her,Jason?”Sally asked thousand pounds,was it?’

Jason's face went wanted to hit looked at his red,angry face,and she said:

Jason,in the Crown Court a lot of people are going to look at 're going to think,"This is a nasty'young hits people -his wife,his baby,old women in the steals wins five million pounds in the lottery,but he doesn't want to give a penny to his wife and he tells lies.”They're not going to like you, that's not going to help ,please,tell the that you're 're can begin again,stay out of you must tell the truth to the court.'

Jason thought for a he looked at Sally.‘OK,he said slowly,'perhaps I took the old woman's that lottery ticket wasn't in her 's my bought it,I paid for it,with my ?'

Sally Cash did not looked at Jason for two or three long she said slowly,'OK, stole the bag,but it was your lottery ticket.’


