

詹姆士說道:“我明天要回一趟上海,可能要兩年才能回來。”(I will go back to Shanghai tomorrow, and it may take two years to come back.)


詹姆士說道:“到時候上海那邊的事情應該解決完了,我就回英國發展,好好陪陪你和小琮。”(\"Things in Shanghai should be settled by then, and I will go back to England to accompany you and Xiao Cong.\")

愛新蓮·慕晞說道:“你說真的,你真不打算在上海做生意了,回來陪我們。”(Are you serious? Are you really not going to do business in Shanghai? Come back and accompany us.)

詹姆士說道:“嗯,這兩年把那邊的事情解決乾淨了,以後就在英國陪你,看著小琮慢慢長大,我已經錯過他將近15年的光陰了,不想再錯過我以後啦。”(Well, in the past two years, I have solved the problems over there. I will accompany you in England and watch Xiao Cong grow up slowly. I have missed his time for nearly 15 years. I don't want to miss my future.)

“最重要的是我想以後陪著你嘛。”(\"The most important thing is that I want to be with you in the future.\")

愛新蓮·幕晞說道:“是啊,小琮如今都15了,你陪他的時間總合起來也不過短短几年,你常年不在英國,小琮學校的活動你也從來沒有參加過,小琮也需要你更多的陪伴。”(Yes, Xiao Cong is now 15 years old, and the time you spend with him is only a few years. You are not in England all the year round, and you have never participated in the activities of Xiao Cong's school. Xiao Cong also needs more company from you.)

詹姆士說道:“嗯,等我把這邊的事情解決完了,我們說不定還可以給小琮生個妹妹,像小韻那樣懂事的。”(\"Well, when I finish the work here, maybe we can give birth to a sister for Xiao Cong, who is as sensible as Xiao Yun.\")

愛新蓮·慕晞從詹姆士懷中掙脫出來站起來說道:“嗯,等你回來再說吧,小琮快放學了,你要與我一起去接小琮嗎?\"Well, let's talk about it when you come back. Xiao Cong will be out of school soon. Would you like to go with me to pick him up?\"



詹姆士·顥琮說道:“姐姐你去上海玩,不要忘記小琮哦,小琮也會想你的,你要記得給小琮寄禮物哦。”Sister, you go to Shanghai to play, don't forget Xiao Cong, Xiao Cong will miss you, you must remember to send gifts to Xiao Cong.

林韻摸了摸小琮的頭說道:“嗯,姐姐會的,姐姐從上船就開始想念小琮好不好?姐姐也一定會給你送禮物的。”\"Well, sister will, sister from the boat began to miss Xiao Cong, OK?\"? \"My sister will certainly give you a gift.\"


林韻說道:“這應該會是你最後一次從英國出發去上海了吧。”This should be the last time you go to Shanghai from England.

詹姆士·德松說道:“嗯,最後一次了,解決完的事情,你就該回英國了這應該會是你長這麼大一次從英國出發去上海了吧。”\"Well, it's the last time. After that, you should go back to England. This should be the first time you leave England for Shanghai in your life.\"

林韻說道:“乾爹在我記憶中那民不聊生的,你是怎麼做到在那裡幹20多年的。”\"Godfather, in my memory, the people were in dire Straits. How did you work there for more than 20 years?\"

詹姆士·德松說道:“現在還好,上海發展的比較早比較繁榮,我們這種外商投資的比較多,加上封建政府倒臺了,民不聊生,少了不少,畢竟少了國家的大力壓迫。”Now fortunately, Shanghai developed earlier and more prosperous, we have more foreign investment, coupled with the collapse of the feudal government, the people are in dire Straits, a lot less, after all, less of the country's strong oppression.

林韻說道:“那封建社會倒臺了,那現在誰來做東。”\"The feudal society has fallen, so who will host it now?\"

詹姆士·德松說道:“這個我不太清楚,好像是什麼中華民國的一個臨時政府在南京,不過現在是軍閥在當道,到處都是軍閥,不過你不用怕啊,如今呢,你是英國人戶口,不受他們管轄,再加上你乾爹我在上海也不是白白浪費時間和金錢的。等下了船到了宅子我就安排人跟著你,這軍閥管的軍隊也沒什麼軍風,到處搶搶民女。”I'm not sure about this. It seems that a provisional government of the Republic of China is in Nanjing. But now warlords are in power. There are warlords everywhere. But you don't have to be afraid. Now, you are a British registered permanent residence and are not under their jurisdiction. In addition, your godfather and I are not wasting time and money in Shanghai. When I get off the boat and get to the house, I'll arrange for someone to follow you. The warlord's army has no military style. They rob civilian women everywhere.

林韻說道:“就沒有別的辦法,救救那些可憐的女子。”There is no other way to save those poor women.

詹姆士德松說道:“努力了,我在上海開了個最大的歌舞廳,那些長得貌美的姑娘的父母,就會將女兒以活契的方式賣到歌舞廳,以防止自家女兒被糟蹋,也能賺一筆錢。”I opened the largest dance hall in Shanghai, and the parents of those beautiful girls would sell their daughters to the dance hall in the form of living deeds to prevent their daughters from being spoiled and make a sum of money.

林韻說道:“活契是什麼。”What is the living deed.

詹姆士·德松說道:“在上海契約分為兩種,一類是活契,而另一類則是生死契,活契的人,只要你達到了東家安排的額度就可以贖身,贖身之後我們歌舞廳會將他們的賣契去還給她們,不過生死契就是他們的父母不要他們了,將他們賣給了舞廳,而他們就沒有什麼可以將自已贖回去的機會了。”In Shanghai, there are two kinds of contracts, one is the living contract, and the other is the life and death contract. As long as you reach the amount arranged by the owner, you can redeem yourself. After redemption, our dance hall will return their deed of sale to them, but the life and death contract is that their parents do not want them and sell them to the dance hall. And they have no chance to redeem themselves.












