“What should I do then?”(那我該怎麼辦?)科爾問道。

“Huang Yueqiu is currently staying in the highest suite of the Shengdun Hotel in Shengdun City. I will give you the key to his room. I believe there is no need for me to say more about the next thing, after all, this is not the first time you have done such a thing. Remember, no matter what, don't reveal that this matter is related to me, otherwise your family won't be able to handle it either!”(黃躍秋現居於華盛頓城的華盛頓大酒店頂級套房。屆時,我會將他房間的鑰匙交予你。想必後續事宜無需我贅言,畢竟你對此輕車熟路。切記,此事絕不可牽連到我,否則你的家人也難逃厄運!)維克多沉聲道。


“Okay, I know what to do now. But can you tell me why Huang Yueqiu was assassinated?”(好,我知道該怎麼做了。但是你能不能告訴我為什麼要刺殺黃躍秋?)科爾問道。

“You're really brave enough to ask me extra questions after all this. Forget it, it's okay to tell you. Now Huang Yueqiu has been vigorously negotiating with me, trying to avoid the outbreak of war. But ultimately, this matter is still our problem. If other major powers were to know about the situation in the foggy region, we would be finished. So, after careful consideration, we decided to send someone to secretly assassinate Huang Yueqiu, and then completely escalate the conflict and erupt into war. Once our two major powers go to war, other countries will definitely be affected by the war. Who will still care about the affairs of the foggy region at that time. We can also take advantage of the war to make a big profit, it's like killing two birds with one stone!”(你竟敢如此大膽,竟在這種情況下,詢問與之無關的事宜。罷了,告知於你也並無不可。現今,黃躍秋一直竭力與我談判,妄圖阻止戰爭爆發。然而,追本溯源,此事件實則是我們的問題。倘若其他大國知曉霧域之事,我們必將萬劫不復。因此,經深思熟慮,我們決定派遣專人秘刺黃躍秋,進而徹底激化矛盾,引發戰爭。一旦我們兩國開戰,其他國家必然會受戰爭影響,屆時,誰還會關注霧域之事。我們更可借戰爭大撈一筆,如此一箭雙鵰,何樂而不為!)維克多激動的說道。

“This... this is too crazy. You... are you not afraid of setting yourself on fire?!”(這……這也太瘋狂了。你……你就不怕引火燒身?!)

維克多笑了笑說道:“Haha, it's really funny. What kind of thing in this world can threaten us now! Just go ahead and do it, you don't have to worry about anything else.”(哈哈,真是好笑,如今這世界上還能有有什麼東西能威脅到我們!你儘管去做,其他的事情不用你操心。)

“If war breaks out on a large scale, wouldn't I become a big culprit?!”(如果戰爭大規模爆發那我豈不是成了大罪人?!)科爾滿臉驚恐的說道。

“Don't worry, no one will know.”(放心沒有人會知道的。)維克多一臉淡定的說道。

“Is there really no other solution?”(真的沒有其它的解決辦法了嗎?)科爾不甘心的問道。

“It is already the optimal solution for us.”(已經是對我們來說的最優解了。)維克多說道。

“What would happen if they knew about the foggy region?”(他們如果知道了霧域的事情會怎麼樣?)科爾問道。

“Based on our actions, we will probably be despised by the world, and our country will go from being the world's number one to the world's last, or even cease to exist. At that time, we will never be able to live a better life!”(我們的所作所為,恐將遭致全球唾棄。屆時,我們的國家不僅會從世界首位跌落至末尾,甚至可能走向滅亡。那時,我們都將陷入絕境!)維克多說道。“Now we have no way back.”(現在我們已經沒有回頭路了。)

科爾深深嘆了一口氣說道:“Okay, I promise you. But you must keep your promise.”(好吧,我答應你。但是你一定要信守承諾。)

“No problem, if things are done well, I can guarantee you endless wealth and prosperity in your lifetime!”(沒問題,事情如果辦好了,我包你這輩子榮華富貴享不盡!)維克多說道。

“Okay, it's a deal!”(好,一言為定!)

“It's a deal!”(一言為定!)












